Find out how easy it is to manually add your inventory to Boats for Sale.
- Go to Boats for Sale and click Sign In to your account.
2. Enter your email and password, then click Sign in.
3. Using the menu in the top right corner, click My Listings.
4. Select Create A New Listing button.
5. Begin filling out Create a boat listing form.
6. Continue entering Engine(s) information.
7. Select Browse Files button to add the photos you want to use.
– Photos should be at least 760 px by 1080 px to display without pixelation.
8. Enter Boat Location.
- Must include City, State & Zip Code for search results.
Enter Contact Information.
- Your vessel Leads will be sent to this email address, and potential buyers will call this number.
9. Select All Items that best match your vessel. This is important for your boat to show up in the correct search criteria.
10. Enter the boat Description. The more information you provide, the more potential to match your boat with buyers as they search.
11. Enter Speed and Other Additional Information pertinent to the vessel.
12. Include Trailer Details, if included.
- Select All Features that apply to your vessel.
- Click on “+” to add features not listed.
13. Click Publish to complete your boat listing.