Released on 9/19
1. Manager Dashboard: updates to the Sales Results Data
- “Contracts” is renamed to “Pending”
- “Carryover” has been added
- This will link you to the pending sales log to view the data results

2. Inventory: Filtering is available based on the number of images
- You can now filter based on the number of images that have been uploaded.
- The filtering allows you to select “equal to” or “less than” to find listings that need more images.

Previous: was only a “true or false” option

3. Pending Sales Log: Table is Scrollable
- The header on the Pending Sales Log is now locked so that the header does not disappear as you scroll
Bug Fixes:
- Inventory pdf export
- Spacing on the Inventory Listing Detail Page
- Photo count on the media uploader
- Filtering by Contract Date on Pending Sales Log