Released on 02/01/24-02/14/24
1. Inventory Page:
-Improved overall speed of page
-Filters are “sticky” and will remain after a refresh
-Header is collapsible for better view on mobile

2. Show Log:
-Updated Age ranges
-Leads by Booth now showing by default

3. Motor & Trailer Deals:
-All deals will be available now for deal detail page
4. Platform Updates:
-Upgraded platform to .net8
-Upgraded libraries to current versions, which should increase overall speed of the application and tools
*Bug Fixes:
- Fixes for SMS/CRM Texting
- Boat Show Leads App now only shows leads for the configured salesperson.
- Missing trade evaluations have been restored.
- Consultant DB chart resize display issue has been corrected.
- Inventory – Grid Header font size/color has been corrected.
- Inventory – Error with downloading multiple window stickers has been corrected.
- Inventory – Saving user filters now includes grid filters.
- Inventory – Corrected an issue with the Boat Type filter.
- Show Log – Corrected the Missing Deals issue.
- Boat Show App – Corrected an issue after resetting saved settings.
- MVG emails are now being shown on the Action Log.
- Corrected an issue with updating customer status.
- Corrected an issue with the Boat Show user interface to improve readability.
- Corrected an issue with the Customer List timing out for users.