Released on 10/23/2024
- Mobile App: Boat Show Lead Entry Updates
- The customer information fields will automatically reset after you add a lead through the app
- Added more fields to the “Customer Has/Wants” section inside of the app when adding a new customer
- Customer Has:
- Boat Type, Length, Year
- Customer Wants:
- Boat Type, Min Length, Max Length, Min Price, Max Price, Start Year, End Year
- Customer Has:

*Bug Fixes
- Pending Sales Log > Export to PDF
- Mobile App: My New Leads Section on the boat show lead entry
*Other Noteables:
- The “Sell Us Your Boat” Leads will now automatically ingest into ProRevver under “Customer Has” section for new and existing customer records
- Cleaned up customer list assigned salesperson records
- Enabled score report for a more comprehensive date range