Released on 3/27/24
- New Feature: Image Gallery
- Listing Details Page > Image Gallery
- Allows users to search for and attach existing images to a boat listing
- Enhances the efficiency in managing listings when dealing with recurring inventory
- The Image Gallery is filterable by Make, Model, and Year
- Select the images you would like to add to your listing, and choose “Add Images”
- Your images will be added to your listing
- Image availability is based on your dealer group
- This is Phase 1 of the new feature release. Phase 2 will enable access to all images across all dealer groups for the company

2. Inventory Saved Search: New action buttons on the saved search feature
- Save your Inventory Searches by using the drop-down menu and choosing “Save Search and Filters” in the action items
- Give your search a meaningful name

3. Inventory: Increased Speed
- Updated the Inventory Tool to significantly increase speed and efficiency
4. Location Code Change: Sunrise Marine Orange Beach
- The Location Code for Sunrise Marine Orange Beach is: SOR
- This has been updated in ProRevver and Lightspeed
*Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Inventory scoring based on 1,000+ character count