Released on 5/15/24
- New Feature: Daily Store Log
- Used to track and count store activity, including door swings and incoming phone call traffic
- Daily Store Log > Select Location (if applicable)
- Select Walk-In vs Phone Call
- Select Department
- Search existing customers or enter new customer information
- Add information and select “Log Customer”

- Once the customer has been logged, it appears in the table and reporting chart
- Each door swing/walk-in and inbound phone call should be logged
- Ability to log current customer activity or log new customer activity and create a new customer record
- Ability to log activity based on department
- Reporting on daily traffic based on: type, department, and new vs current
- Ability to export the daily log to csv file
- Editing capability
- Customer name links to the customer record
- There will be additional releases and updates to this tool – this is currently in Phase 1
2. Feature Improvement: Updated itemization on the Quoting tool pdf
- Added additional line for manufacturer incentives under discount
3. Feature Improvement: Non-Sellable Inventory will display notes
- When you hover over “non-sellable inventory” status, it will display the reason stated in Lightspeed, if applicable
- Examples: Recalled, natural disaster damage, missing parts, etc.
- The inventory team will be the team that adds the notes in Lightspeed
- This prevents the user from needing to go to Lightspeed to see the reason why the unit cannot be sold
*Bug Fixes:
- Using Pending To ID instead of Pending to name for Inventory tool
*Other Notables