Released on 6/12/2024
1. Sales Log: Added “Contract to Close” Column
- This column is the number of days between the contract date and the close date of a deal
- This will allow us more robust reporting on average closing timelines
- Added Quoted Date, this is the origination date in Lightspeed
- Contract Date is the date the deal was finalized in Lightspeed and the notifier was sent out

2. Sales Log: Rearrange and Remove Columns
- Moved the “Stock Number” column next to the “Deal Number” column
- Moved the “Age” column next to the “VIN”
- Removed “Customer ID” column

*Bug Fixes:
- Corrected the error that caused the CRM notifier emails to fail
- Customer has/wants were not consistently showing on the “My Daily Follow Up” screen
- Customer record was showing “Customer Has” vessel twice
- Null reference in the Daily Store Log
*Other Notables