Check ‘Send to Web’ to ensure your unit is picked up in the data feed. If you do not want to display your vessel on BFS or Dealer site, keep the box unchecked.
Add your MSRP, DSRP, price values like usual.
ProRevver Results:
The inventory data feeds from LightSpeed to ProRevver and produces the following result:
- Published = Send to Web checkbox in LS
- List Price = MSRP in LS
- Sale Price = DSRP in LS
- Web Price = $0 or $1, unless you want price different than DSRP
Boats for Sale Results:
The inventory data feeds from ProRevver to Boats for Sale and produces the following result.
Because LightSpeed is passing the pricing data, BFS will display the final DSRP on the used unit.
Dealer Website Results:
The inventory data feeds from Boats for Sale into our dealer websites. If there is a difference in LightSpeed’s MSRP and DSRP, it will display the MSRP crossed out and the final DSRP on the unit, like below:
If MSRP and DSRP are the same, it will simply display the final price, no crossing through numbers, like below: