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  2. Dealer Websites
  3. How do I change my default ‘no-image’ thumbnail?
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  2. Inventory Plugin Settings
  3. How do I change my default ‘no-image’ thumbnail?

How do I change my default ‘no-image’ thumbnail?

When you have uploaded inventory images, we display the first image as the feature/thumbnail image on the search results page. However, when no images are available to represent your vessel, we have a default image placeholder displaying on your website. You can customize this default ‘no-image’ thumbnail for a more branded experience.

  1. Log into your Boats for Sale dealer dashboard.
  2. Within your ‘Dealer Info Management’ area, you can customize your name, logo, banner – and your default listing image.
  1. Simply ‘browse’, and upload your new, customized graphic. Ideal specs are: 640px x 360px.
  2. Click ‘Save’ bottom right

The end result will be a replacement of the default no-image graphic shown on your search page:

Before (default no-image graphic):

After (customized no-image graphic):

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